We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Week... James took the whole week off and it was wonderful to have some much needed time to spend just the three of us. We painted our living room and kitchen in between playing games, getting ready for the family gatherings and enjoying a down week.
Thursday morning we went over to my parents house and helped get a huge thanksgiving meal ready. After we ate we snuggled up on the couch for a few hours for some football ... does it get much better?
Why are family pictures a giant struggle?
Amelia with her cousin Ellie
Amelia did great as usual and was being silly most of the time.
dressed up for mom-mom... Thanks, Aunt Teena!
Amelia also got to play with Olivia, her second cousin (and by "play with" I mean steal Olivia's toys and play with them.)
Amelia got to walk with Dad-dad to get the mail in the morning... she liked his hat!
After the craziness of Thursday and Friday, we were able to enjoy a calm, restful Saturday. Watching football, eating left over after left over, and ...
Again, the struggle of a family picture.