Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas spending time with family and friends, relaxing, and reflecting on the Child given. We did! It was crazy and jammed packed with stuff, but we had another wonderful Christmas season. However, the week of Christmas, Amelia got sick :( It seemed to be one thing right after another for a couple days: throwing up, breaking out, fever, over tired... poor girl. She missed out on one Christmas dinner with her great Aunt and Uncle, but thankfully was mostly back to normal in time for Christmas Eve and Day. She only recently has seemed completely back to normal. And thankfully, no one else got sick around here.
A few pictures of our festivities for your viewing pleasure ...
(I, of course, forgot the camera for the Humphrey side and only took one at my parents. So much for capturing the moments.)
It's not a good picture, but Amelia Christmas morning.
Our usual tradition is reading some scripture of Christ's birth, let Amelia tear into her presents, open and play with EVERYTHING, and then eat breakfast together. Here, Amelia excited about her playdough set
and then of course, we had to play with it.
Amelia got a couple puzzles both a little challenging... She was up for the challenge.
Cousins on Christmas day.
Then, two days late, we got our white Christmas :) Amelia was so excited to play in it.