Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Blast from the Past

In going through some old boxes, I came across things from our dating years; notes, gifts, pictures. Sometimes its unbelievable to me to think back to that 15 year old boy that I wanted to spend all my time with, and to think the same is still true today. Anyway, thought you would all enjoy this journey down memory lane with me...

This isn't a real old one... about 5 years ago.

Now, this... ha! this was my junior year of high school with James the freshman.

And this was a year later at Prom my senior year.

Sometimes I think we aren't even the same people that are in these pictures. Crazy... I wonder what the next 5,6,7 ... 10 years will bring?


  1. Please make more beautiful babies!

  2. bahahahaha. these make me laugh so hard. i love that i was around for all of this... i remember the first time you told me you liked james :)
