We are calling last week our "spring break." I use the quotes for two reasons ... (1) It was not springy. It was cold and cloudy, blah. (2) I watched my niece, Ellie all week because she was off of school for her break. We tried to have some fun things throughout the week that we could do. I think Ellie had a good time and I KNOW Amelia did.
Monday, we got the grocery shopping done and took a trip to the library. We did some crafts and brought out the Playdough. Amelia's first time ... with minimal attempts to eat it.
Tuesday, we took advantage of free Chick Fil-A breakfast and played there. Wednesday we visited their Great-grandparents for lunch. Thursday, the day with a little sun, we took a trip to the Zoo. Friday, we watched a movie and made cookies.
Da and Bug checking out Dinosaurs.
Amelia's favorite place. The rainforest in the Dora exhibit.
Amelia loved having Ellie around everyday, but she always asked if Lincoln was coming too. Much to her delight, she was loving that she finally got to see her favorite, Linc.
holding hands through the museum.
It was a good week to kind of take it easy and have some fun. Hopefully Amelia isn't too disappointed when 8:00 rolls around and Ellie doesn't show up.
How fun! How's your husband doing with the psedu tumor cerebri medications? I have been praying, I pray he is adjusting well.