Monday, February 13, 2012

For your viewing pleasure...

A few weeks ago, Amelia and I did a seasons craft to help her figure out why just because there wasn't snow on the ground did not mean it was warm out. Here she is explaining each ... still trying to figure it all out.

This one is Amelia singing "I've got peace like a river" of course before the camera came out she knew all verses and was singing clearly... oh well...

And finally, every time I lay with Bug before bedtime, she asks to talk about Jesus and Lazarus. So together we tell the story ... about every night. Not sure why she's clung to that story... and it is hard to try and explain to her the many things in that story. I don't think the two year old grasps death just quite yet. Either way, I will gladly talk about Lazarus and Jesus every night with her if that's what she wants.

*disclaimer: sorry about the creepy whisper voice. I had a bad cold and had lost my voice... for about 4 days. It was challenging to control, communicate, and instruct a two year during that time... she did however whisper back :)


  1. Katie, she is so adorable!
    Loved the videos!

  2. We loved the videos and her talking. She is sure a sweet little 'missy'. Love MM & DD

  3. The beginning of that Lazarus video is the cutest EVER!!!
