Thursday, August 12, 2010


So, I figured I would dedicate a blog to my husband. Most updates are about Amelia ... but James does have some news.

James is officially James Humphrey, A.S.A! He passed his last test, with two more remaining. He sits for the next one in November, and with any luck, the final one in May. Then, new letters and DONE! All three of us are eagerly awaiting the "done" part to have more time with Daddy and not have to share him with his studies.

Another praise: James has had some health issues for some time now with seemingly no resolve. But lately, there has been some promising days. We hope and pray that those days are only the beginning. Either way, to God be the glory.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, James!! We know you will be glad when the other two tests are done. Also, we are praying the headaches will go away completely!! Love you all!
    MM & DD
