Monday, November 7, 2011

Give thanks to the Lord...

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, we decided to dedicate the month to giving thanks. Although it isn't and shouldn't be the only time of year we give thanks, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to encourage Amelia (as well as mommy and daddy) to consider all that we have in Christ. So I made this "thanks" board that each night at dinner Amelia suggests something we thank Jesus for in prayer. We write it down on the slip of paper and return it to its pocket. I plan on using these cards for years and looking forward to seeing how Amelia's prayers of thanksgiving change year to year.

Here are the things she's said so far: Food, Juice, Daddy, Mommy, Church, Ellie and Lincoln, and Friends. Sometimes she needs some prompting but most of the time she has something on the tip of her tongue. Looking forward to see what else she rejoices in... Oh, the mind of a two year old.

It also seemed like a great time to start scripture memory with Amelia. Here she is reciting Psalm 136:1. Of course, with the camera out, she needed some prompting but what joy it brings to hear her sing out His praises. I hope and pray she will learn to treasure them as well.

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