Well, we gave Dad his Father's Day gift early. Mainly because when he walked into the house, Amelia yelled "beanbag toss!" at him... She good with secrets!
So, yes, she loves to play beanbags and so does Dad. I figured it was a great gift they could enjoy together.
I also had seen these questions to ask a child about their dad, which I thought would be the perfect "card." With a little tweaking, I asked Amelia 12 questions about her daddy.
Some of my favorites: What does Daddy like to watch? Baseball, but really ESPN and Sportscenter
What does he do at work? He works with cards, and there are lots and lots of flags at work.
Does Daddy take care of you? Yes, Daddy takes care of me because I'm Amelia and I love him.
I shouldn't be surprised with how much she was dead on right and how much she remembered: like his age. I barely know how old my dad is and she answered that almost offended that I couldn't remember. And the flag comment about work, we have been down there a few times to pick him up for lunch and there are several flags in front of the building. Anyway, it was cute to here what she thinks about her dad and how much she loves him.
So very thankful He is my partner in parenthood. I love to watch their relationship grow. They are so much alike, there are times I feel like I say the same things over and over to her and she never gets it... but with Dad, things are different. They have a special connection. Amelia also thinks Daddy can do anything. He is her playmate, friend, adviser ... anything and everything that is "broken" her response is "Dad could fix it." We were on our way somewhere the other night, just me and her, at a stoplight there was construction going on at the building next to the road. "uh-oh, Mom, look that house is broken... Dad could fix it." :) I'll just go on and let her think her Daddy's got it all. She loves him so... and clearly,
He feels the same. One of her new favorite things is to put makeup on everyone in the house...sometimes including the cat. Here dad's getting his nails done. I know he's plenty excited about his son on the way, but I think he'll always make time to get his nails done.
Happy Father's Day, James! Thanks for all you do for our family.