Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Amelia Things ...

1. the new way she watches her cartoons probably not .... does she listen? probably not.

2. We made cookies today and she was quite helpful by dumping everything into the bowl and not proceeding to stick her finger in while the mixer was on. progress.
3. She now says "love you" which by the is the cutest, especially when it isn't just a repeat of me or daddy. Other new speech things: she is now putting together short sentences, like "da's at work"

4. We miss the sunshine from last week. Hopefully soon we will see it again. Amelia each day has asked to go outside again ...

5. She has entered a new room at church. No more nursery, and there were several workers upset that she has moved on. Now in the toddler room, she will have more structured time, snacks, stories, songs-she did great on her first day!

6. We took our first trip to the Library. Amelia LOVED it! I planned on sitting and reading books there, I forgot that she doesn't hold still in new places. She was so excited about all the books. The only way she could have been more happy would be if she was actually a kid in a candy store. We borrowed a few and she has spent afternoons on the couch ... reading.
7. She has finally outgrown her 12month pants ... finally. Now that she's 19months.

8. She still loves to sing, the problem is she gets sick of songs fast and quickly vetos any options. When it is time for bed someone usually rocks with her ... "sing" she says, but most songs get a head shake. We are running out of songs. Da has also sang many more verses of 'Old McDonald' than really exists.

9. I am really starting to see her imagination come through. It is funny to see how her mind works and how she plays. I often find animals from her barn laid out in a way that suggests actual make believe. She has brought me a cup from her play kitchen saying, "coffee?" as she takes an sip. Wow, I can remember when play time was her staring at book or block. Now things have stories and action.

10. We have had some sleep issues arise the last couple of weeks. Suspicious of what it could be, I peeked inside her mouth ... yup, molars. For the kid who had NO teeth at one, she sure has caught up fast. Total? I think she's up to 10 maybe?

11. Speaking of 10, she now can count to 10, sing her ABCs, and we are working on colors - she's got purple down.

Growing, changing, still keeping us on our toes and surprising us all along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I used to sing "The 12 Days of Christmas" year round. Faves were also "Close to you", "Sing", "The Rose" and "Down to the River to Pray". I don't know if that gives you any new ideas, LOL. The songs still make me think of my babies in arms when I hear them now. :)
