Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Ebenezer

“Samuel took a stone and…named it Ebenezer, saying ‘Thus far has the Lord helped us.’” 1 Samuel 7:12

Yes, this is a coffee pot (not a stone) but a reminder nonetheless of the great faithfulness of our God. Shall I start from the beginning?

Some of you know about the health issues that have plagued James over the past few years. If not, lets recap: going on almost 6 years now James has had headaches and not just occasionally or often , but always. Everyday, all the time, terrible bad headaches. Years, literally, of going to see all kinds of doctors, getting tests run, drug after drug, led to not much information except that he had headaches and not much helped but hardcore, intense pain meds which still didn't eliminate the pain, just lessened it. He would go through times where he just decided that was going to be the norm and nothing was going to help. Frustrated and clearly in pain, it effected all areas of his life. I am not going to lie, I had a hard time dealing with it all as well, going from feeling sorry for him, wishing to do something to help to feeling sorry for me that I didn't have help around the house, or with Amelia, or a husband who wanted to hang out and have fun. Oh how I feel terrible for those selfish thoughts.

Finally, we both decided to get serious about figuring this all out. And James returned to his Doctor. What a blessing he has been with fresh ideas one after another. But more drugs, more tests, more guesses: we tried ADD meds, a gluten free diet, nerve blocking injections, just to name a few. And then! After years and years of prayer, tears, confusion, anger, and still more prayers, The doctor stumbled upon it while performing yet another test. Heighten pressure in his spinal fluid... his brain is reacting as if he has a tumor, but he doesn't or, technically speaking, pseudotumor cerebri, which is most common in young, pregnant, overweight, women. Doesn't really scream James, does it?

There is an easy fix. What? After all of this time, an easy fix? A pill. Yes, more drugs. After some time it will help decrease the pressure helping his headaches. WOW. Oh, and the coffee pot? These new pills make pop taste horrible, his preferred drink of choice. Supposedly, it tastes metallic and flat. Blah! So, the former coffee hater has tried several different methods of the coffee drink, cream, black ... creamer. Now though, the man drinks a giant cup in the morning and always makes a pot at night. He's hooked. And I am thrilled I have a friend now to sip coffee with or stop in at Starbucks but more so than that... I am thankful for what the coffee pot means.

Every morning it is a reminder. The Lord is with us and His grace covers us. I don't know why it has 5+years for this to be figured out, maybe to teach me a lesson in what a godly wife should look like, maybe a lesson in prayer, or maybe so God could show up a in very big way. They don't really know what caused the high pressure ... no other weird issues or underlying causes. Praise God.

He still is not completely headache free, not yet, but they have been increasingly better with a bad day here and there. But it's working. And whether it takes one more week or more years to clear it all up, God has it. He's got it. And every morning I have a constant reminder of His sovereignty.

Come, Thou fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
While the hope of endless glory
Fills my heart with joy and love,
Teach me ever to adore Thee;
May I still Thy goodness prove.

Here I raise my Ebenezer,
Hither by Thy help I’ve come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood.


  1. I wish I had known! I would have suggested you check about that. What was his CSF measuring at? I have both a brain cyst and psedu tumor cerebri, but I have had to have five brain surgeries because of the cyst portion. I go to Cleveland Clinic for it though. You would be surprised how it is becoming more and more diagnosed. I understand that it can be frustrating, at least it was/is for me, with not being able to understand why the body is acting as thought there is a tumor. It affects SO much of your life: energy levels, overall feeling of health and happiness. Thank goodness God brought you guys You should not feel bad about thinking the thoughts you did. You should definitely give yourself more credit, dear Katie! I pray the medication (Topomax??) works well for him (personally I am allergic, which is part of why I had to have all the surgeries......I do not want you to think that brain surgery is what happens for everyone that has pseduo tumor cerebri since that is not the case). Praying for God's peace and for the medications to work without side effects. So glad you have answers!!!

  2. So very thankful you finally have answers! Praise God! Praying the headaches will continue to lessen!

  3. I am so glad to hear that the cause has been found! Praise the Lord!
